Hey Bunny Lovers! It's time for you to meet the bunnies a.k.a. my babies:) (well some of them are my babies anyway) (And yes I edited that picture myself) (And yes that's why it looks so bad). But first....HOPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!! Things I am thankful for: God, Freedom, Family, Friends, Food, Horses, Bunnies, Animals, Books, Computers, And more (to much to write on here:)). I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now..........it's time to meet the bunnies! Aurora My baby. Breed: Satin Angora. Sex: Doe. Birthday: May/20th/2017. Color: Ermine. For Sale: No. (Like I would ever sell my baby!!) About: Aurora LOVES fresh greens! She will NOT eat pellets. Likes hay. Aurora comes when called. She loves me:) She ran into me the other day. (I read that if a bunny bumps you with it's nose (witch she did when the ran into me) it means they love you. Aww:)) Hersheys Breed: French Angora. Sex: Doe. Birthday: Unknown. Col...