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Showing posts from 2018

I'm back and we have babies!

Hi There Bunny Lovers! I AM BACK!!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We have baby bunnies!!!! Orchid had 5 babies on March 16th the day after my b-day! I don't know if they are boys are girls yet but here come the pictures!!!!! So I am going to start vlogging about the bunny farm. Hopefully soon. And I am trying to make this blog how I want it to be. I guess that starts with posting more, right? I plan to do a post really soon from a bunny's POV.  I hope you guys will like it. Until Then, Emma A.K.A. The Bunny Girl

And Then There Were Lionheads

Hi there Bunny Lovers! So....I got me some Lionheads! I got a trio. I am so sorry for not blogging lately guys but I just wasn't in the mood and there was something else. I will tell you in a minute. But first the rabbits! Sorry the pictures  aren't the best :) I'm not sure if I have favorite yet...... :) Meet,  Wooly's Orchid My next doe, Wooly's Saribi And my first buck! (Although I did have a buck as a pet when I was litte. His name was Joey. I'll try to find a picture for you guys someday), Noble Heir's Prairie Turnip More on them later once I get to know them better. Oh and I got them on the 10th of Feb. So Bunny Farm updates: You remember I said there was another reason I didn't want to write?  Aurora died.   :( :(        Shortly after I made the hard choice to sell her (I even found someone who was going to take her), I went out in the morning to take care of the bunnies and she was dead. On a brighter note...I did get a R

I Redid the Blog!

So Bunny Lovers, The blog has been redone!! Yay!! Do you like it? Feel free to tell me if you don't. Or if have some advice:) So I will keep this quick. If you click on the 3 lines in the corner ☰ you can see what this blog is about and the poll* and stuff etc. Which brings me to the next part: *To answer the Bunny Questions (and please answer!) when you click on the lines you will also see a poll. You can answer on there. If your answer is "Other" , then feel free to also answer in the comments. Of course you are free to answer in the comments whenever you want:) Just please do the poll too:). I added a place for Followers too! You can now search this blog!! Yay again!!!!! :) I'm not sure if I love the layout (I really like it! Lol) but the other one I really liked had a picture of a cat, and it wouldn't let me change it (Or I just couldn't lol), and I mean a cat? On a bunny blog? I don't think so. I'm sure my family's cats would love to

Gettin Things in Order. My Bunny Binder (With FREE Printables!)

What is up Bunny Lovers? So I have made a Bunny Binder! It's for keeping my things in order. I just randomly did this today for like no reason at all but.....I like it,     so here it is! This is the cover:                                                                                                                  I found this adorable printable here:               I found the rest of the printables here: I used the: Info Pages Goals Weekly Views Cleaning Schedule And Monthly Budget. (They are all in order of the pictures).                                                              I made this with Washi Tape:                                                                                                                 It's bb for bunny binder. I also have some Llama planner

Meet the Bunnies #2

Hi all you Bunny Lovers! The name of this post should be 'Meet The Bunny' yep, only one right now. Well this will be a short post. (I finally  got a good picture of Aurora. It's not blurry and, it captures her 'I will move and never hold still while you try to take my picture' attitude perfectly). My baby. Breed: Satin Angora. Sex: Doe. Birthday: May/20th/2017. Color: Ermine. For Sale: No. (Like I would ever sell my baby!!) About: Aurora LOVES fresh greens! She will (Yay!) eat pellets. Likes hay.  Aurora comes when called. She loves me:) She likes to get in the way when I take pictures.......but won't hold still if I try to take one of her! It occurs to me that I never answered the Bunny Questions! Well here are my answers!: Bunny Question #1:  Is it okay to keep rabbits outside? A: YES!!!! Rabbits LOVE being outside! Bunny Question #2: Do you prefer to say "bunny" or "rabbit"? A: Bunny. I like saying bunny 'caus

My New Rabbit Setup/I Hope It's Spring Soon

Hoppy 2018 Bunny Lovers! I hope your year is going well so far. I am sorry that I haven't posted yet! Well as silly as this might seem I am going to post about my new rabbit setup. Why did I post about the old one?........ I gusse because let's just face was pretty cool. Sorry! I don't mean to brag but, I liked it. The problem was that the rabbits can bite though the fence. sigh.  I tried to keep Aurora in the house but, that didn't work (everyone was complaining that it smelled like rabbit pee) so back to mudroom she went.  (I have had rabbits in there before. Lack of cage space is a SERIOUS problem). And again Aurora kept getting in the way while I was trying to take pictures and WOULD NOT hold still while I tried to take her picture 'cause she was being cute. Well here it is! My new rabbit setup...........                                                        (my baby who won't hold still) So that is my rabbit cage. Here is the cool hay
