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Gettin Things in Order. My Bunny Binder (With FREE Printables!)

What is up Bunny Lovers?

So I have made a Bunny Binder! It's for keeping my things in order. I just randomly did this today for like no reason at all but.....I like it,     so here it is!

This is the cover:

                                               I found this adorable printable here:


I found the rest of the printables here:
I used the:
Info Pages
Weekly Views
Cleaning Schedule
And Monthly Budget. (They are all in order of the pictures).

                                                             I made this with Washi Tape:

                                                                It's bb for bunny binder.
I also have some Llama planner stickers that I got for Christmas this year. I don't know if I will use them yet :)

Well I know that you can't really see the pictures but, I would encourage you to check out the links. Here's what I have to say about planners: 

Use Color!! I personally find that bright color, and pretty designs really motivate me! I think that the more color, the better. And trust me. I apply that to like every aspect of my life. :) ;) 

So Have Fun, Use Lots Of Color,
Till Next Time,
Emma (The Bunny Girl).

                                                                 Bunny Question #6
                                               you have a bunny binder?
                                                               Or any kind of binder?


  1. cute binder! I love making binders I have like five( not that I ever use them:P) but I like black and white better them lots of color, I guess it just works better for me:)

    1. 5? :) Yeah I forgot to write: "Unless you just like black. And white" Lol.


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