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Showing posts from December, 2017

My Rabbit Setup

What's up Bunny Lovers? So here is the promised post.                                                Now presenting..........(drum roll please)                                                            My Rabbit Setup!   (Note: These pictures were taken before it snowed so try to picture everything covered in snow:))   Now it's kind of small and I know it's not the best, but it works... Pretty much.                                     First, here is my view from the kitchen window:                               ...

Winter time with bunnies

Happy Winter Bunny Lovers! Ok. So I know its not technically winter until the 21st, but some fall this has turned out to be. Cold, windy, snowy, and freezing.  In my opinion, it's winter when the snow starts falling. So anyway, taking care of bunnies in the winter can be a lot harder than taking care of them when it's warm out, especially if they're outside bunnies. But I wouldn't really say it's harder. It's just colder.  On the plus side, I do get to see one of God's pretty, amazing, awesome sunsets almost every night. I want to say I'm sorry for the last post. It did not have as much info as I wanted to include and let's just face it: IT WAS HORRIBLE. Yeah, really, really bad. Also, I said that Angoras needed to be on wire. Although most Angora owners will probably tell you they should be on wire and I might get wire cages someday, my Angoras do just fine without wire. Just thought I should let you know. And again I'm really sorry about th...

What rabbit cage is right for you?

Howdy Bunny Lovers! So my baby Aurora scared me to death on Tuesday.  I went outside to feed her early and she wasn't in her cage. The door needed to be fixed but I thought she'd be fine. But she was missing. I ran all over the yard calling for her, but she didn't come. I  was really worried about her. I ran inside in tears and got my brother to come and help me. He's the one who saw her. I'm guessing she was asleep and then finally heard us calling. She was just sitting there like, W hat are you doing out here? You usually don't feed me this early. So thankfully we caught her. I think she was confused because we were both calling her, but she ran to my brother. Just a quick thank you to my family who helps every time a bunny gets out. I couldn't catch them without you. Now on to rabbit cages...................... Introduction So rabbit cages. What kind is right for you? What kind is right for your bunny? What kind do you have room for? Should you build...
